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CH. Heworth Rascal ca. 1890's

CH. Roundtown Mercedes of Maryscot - Sadie ca. 2008

   The Scottie is a small, compact short-legged, sturdily-built dog of good balance and substance. He is certainly descended from the sturdy, rough-coated terrier with a weather-resistant coat that was a working and hunting dog of hundreds of years ago in Scotland. The Scots called the ancestral dog the  "die-hard", which describes his overall nature almost perfectly. Confident, resilient and dignified, a Scottie takes life in stride and accepts what it brings him.


   The Scottie is an extraordinary and versatile breed. With training, many participate in a variety of activities such as agility, barn hunt, obedience, rally, lure coursing, therapy/service work and conformation. Always on the alert and not easily rattled, he's a calm, loving companion who forms a tight attachment to his owners.

(courtesy of the STCA)

"Who is the Scottish Terrier?"

“The Scotch Terrier has a most acute smell and is very expert in forcing foxes and other game out of their coverts. It is the determined enemy of all vermin kind such as weasels, badgers, rats, and so forth.”—Samuel Bewick, History of Quadrupeds, 1822 (from The Book of the Scottish Terrier by Fayette C. Ewing, 1944 edition)


“He is the philosopher among dogs, aloof, reserved, dignified and very independent. He has the tact, unassuming self confidence, patience, tolerance and understanding of a true gentleman…As a discriminating judge of human nature he has few equals. He will weigh you up and either treat you with supreme indifference, or indicate by his manner that he accepts you.”—Dorothy Caspersz, The Scottish Terrier, 1976 edition

Historic words of Scottish Terrier breed experts were excerpted from classic publications by Carole Owen for Texas Scottie Rescue Fund, Inc.



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